Weather in Rome

Weather in Rome is generally mild throughout the year

Like any other vacation destination, Rome has favorable times of travel and some not-so –good days of visit. Although the weather in Rome is generally mild throughout the year, there are still some parts of the year when you can get the best out of your travel.

The months April to October are considered the best months for a trip to Rome. The early part which is the spring season brings mild weather, with minimum temperatures between 47 and 56 degrees Fahrenheit, and maximum temperatures between 63 and 71 degrees Fahrenheit. Summer time promises sunny weather, although the weather in Rome from July to August can be extremely hot ranging from 83 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit.

The weather in August may mean good weather in Rome, however, most Romans head out to the coast to flee from the summer heat. This is a vacation time for the locals known as the Ferrogosto and they take this event to heart. Tourist sights, shops, restaurants, and other establishments are mostly closed but tourists still abound during this time. Even if this is part of the peak season, traffic during this time is greatly lessened and footpaths are not as crowded. However, be prepared of the sky-high airfare and hotel rates during tourist season. And if you insist on traveling during this time, expect to have fewer hotel and restaurant choices. This means that you either settle for whatever is available, or you can change your travel dates instead.

Weather in Rome from November to February means cold days and nights

These are also the times when the weather in Rome can be very unpredictable. Considered as the off peak season for tourists, the autumn and winter months can bring about fairly mild weather one time, and heavy rains and icy winds the other times. Even though the weather in Rome can get really cold, it rarely snows and the rainy days never last for more than 2 days at a time. Traveling to Rome during these times would mean less expense than usual. Airline fares, hotel rates, and tour packages are mostly inexpensive and several promos and discounts are available for grabs. If you’re ready to brave unexpected weather in Rome, then this is as good time as any for a Rome travel. Just make sure that you have overcoats, gloves, and boots handy for any outdoor trips you may have planned.

The weather in Rome is only one factor to consider when planning a trip. Who would want to go sightseeing drenched in rain or soaking in sweat? Much of your vacation’s outcome would depend on how well you enjoyed it. And much of how well you enjoy your vacation would depend on the weather in Rome.